Greater Alliance For New Syria
Syria Tomorrow
Jan 2025
To Promote Peace in Syria

In this Issue: (January 2015)
Shame on Muslims, not Islam.
Ameer Kabour, M.D.
There is a crisis around the world where a few Radical Muslims shatter Islam’s image, Muslim's faith, and a Muslim's credibility. This forces us to ask ourselves, what are the reasons that we (Muslims) are losing the respect and sympathy of the world and now find ourselves in a justified zone of hate and fear?
These reasons started with radical Muslims. Radical Muslims who gave themselves the
right to speak on behalf of all Muslims. The promotion of radical islamic thinking along with their ambition for destruction has led to all of the bloodshed in the Middle East and the massacres between Muslims. It has led them to finish the crimes in Paris, killing innocent people.The same innocent people who allowed these radical Muslims the freedom to come to their country to
practice and express their faith.
These are radicals who never dare open their mouth or blink an eye in their home countries. These are radicals who are coward enough to show their strength only when given freedom elsewhere, but never near their place of birth. Instead of thanking these other countries for accepting Muslims, allowing us a chance for a better life, allowing us to become something, we find these radicals want to bring down those nations to their level of retardation, poverty, and destruction. Instead of learning from the good, the ethics, the responsibility, and democracy, these radicals want to take other countries back thousands of years, under the umbrella of religion.
The unfortunate element here are the Muslims who still believe they are the victims and drive themselves into this level of self-destruction. They still give excuses to those radical killers in Paris, Syria and everywhere. Let me correct that theory and maybe give guidance to those who excuse the radicals. Let me give a summary of our reason into retardation, our misunderstanding of our own religion, our (sorry to say it) stupidity as it's getting worse every day…
All Muslims have to stop the denial and recognize the problems. We need to scream out loud, say NO to radicals, and reject them in societies. Muslims should call on those radicals before they enforce their beliefs on others, to try to follow it themselves. Islam is very clear to do the right, avoid the bad, be honest, fair, ethical, and protect the innocent.
Let's me answer the big question, How far as Muslims have we adopted our religion? We are the most corrupt in the world, the biggest liars on earth, the most abuser to women and kids, the worst dictators. We are the worst criminals in this civilization, killing our families, killing each other's, killing people from all religions, and yet we find excuses for our action by misinterpreting our own religion. We listen to radical clerks who keep changing the roles to satisfy the level of their crimes. Other reasons include the weakness of the moderate Muslim's, because
we see the wrongdoing, but we cover our eyes to perpetuate the denial. We hear about all those crimes and we turn our heads to claim never heard. We smell the dirt of those behaviors and abuse and we claim we never smell. We see our religion taken a way by radicals and killers, and we still claiming our history of peaceful religion. We see our kids future are threatened, and we still claim the future could be better because we should prevail. We claim the love to people, but the hate of the radicals and our silence about their actions is louder. We claim the peaceful religion, and yet we have started every war in the last many years. We claim fairness only when it comes to ourselves, and we forget how others deserve the same. We want people to respect our religion, yet consider any other religion inferior and even going as far as to claim the death penalty for not choosing Islam. Time for all of us Muslims to wake up, to scream, to fight and start a new
Time to tell those radical Muslims, enough is enough. We do not need
your ridiculous interpretation of our religion.
Time to stop our blindness and open our eyes. We need to reject all
of these radicals out of our life and societies.
Time to open our ears and listen to what the whole world is saying. Otherwise we will be isolated like criminals who deserve punishment.
Time to inhabit our real values. Live the lives we want before we enforce false agenda and
ridiculous roles on others, or even sympathies with that.
Time to focus on us and correct our negative behaviors before we look at
others negative as some see it.
Time to respect other opinions instead of killing everyone not in agreement with the radicals..
Time to stop resisting freedom of speech when opinions differ from our own. Even if it does not serve our own purpose.
Time to focus on our improving our society with freedom, science, and civilization.
And the most important fact, to open our heart to the world, listen to others, love all people regardless color, sex, or religion.
I am ashamed of those Muslims who have skewed the Isam image into what it is today.
I am ashamed of those Muslims who sympathized with those killers and radicals.
I am ashamed of those Muslims who fear to speak out loud against radicals and say STOP.
I am ashamed of those Muslim clerks who changed Islam for their own interest.
I am ashamed of Muslims living in the western countries enjoying gifted freedom, and then using that for killing and destruction.
I am ashamed of Muslims killing and destroying each other under the name of Islam and freedom.
I am ashamed of Muslim's leaders when they are killing their own people and driving these radicals to be more powerful and reasoning for their crimes.
I am not afraid to say shame on all of us Muslims. May we recognize our problems, our illogical behavior, fix our image, and bring the real
Islamic value of love and peace to our life as an action not words. May we clean our dirt, sterilize our soul, and believe in freedom, peace and love as a
standard of life.
When is the end?
Syria Tomorrow Editorial
I never imagined that Syrian's hate each other to the extent I have seen, or will kill each other to the extent we have seen, or destroy their country and infrastructures beyond any belief, but the most important lose their humanity beyond any reason.
We lost our dignity, One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered. Unfortunately I have to say, all Syrian's surrendered.
Let me remind all Syrian's about the definition of dignity may be we will be able to get back our dignity when we understand what it? and when we know how to maintain it?
The 21st century
What is the real Islam image in your mind?
![]() Weiss Al-Baghdadi. ISISDescribe your image here |
![]() Bin Laden. Al QaedaDescribe your image here |
A. Bin Lade and Al Baghdadai Islam
![]() Islam is peaceful and respectful to |
![]() Islam in our generationDescribe your image here |
B. Peacefull Islam as it should be presented
No Sunni or Shiite in Islam, Yes it's one Islam
By Sam Kanjo
The current cituation in the Middle East, specifically Syria and Iraq, raise the question of why? How? And who is responsible for this?
"I doubt any one knows or knew that what is happening is something we should predict based on our history. Lets be clear, that we are not in any way questioning Islam as a religion..."
"The early history of Islam after the death of Muhammad is one of glorious wars and victories on the one hand, and hatred, dissension, jealousy, intrigue and deceit on the other....."
"The 21st Century: Muslims were divided in many sects, not only Sunni and Shiite, but also the Wahhabi, the Ahmadiyyas, the Bahai, The Sufism. These division were hidden, not felt that much by the average people.."
"those leaders, presidents and kings, who became dictators by difinition and not necessarly by acceptance. They are some one who never lived the people life to feel their pain, they never suffered the hunger to understand their hunger, who never ride in the bus to realize disastisfactions, never walked on the street to see the dirt people living in, never fought in the army to know the suffering of our soldiers, never heard the word “NO” because the people around them gave them the illusion of how good and right they are...."
"The bottom line, we lost our path, and became divided between the people who are willing to die for their wrong believes under the name of god “Allah”. The groups of people who are dying because they have no better choice, hungry, cold, depressed, deserve no life. And finally the group whol defend their existance, devend their illusion of people love, illlusion of they are fair and right and they are far from that...."
when we review the videotape of what is happening in the Arab and Muslim worlds, we see clercks issuing ruling to Muslim’s allowing them to kill each other, considering brothers to become enemies, justifying crimes with the word of allah (God), and continue into the dark path of our history as a Muslims.
Can we blame any one else for what is happening to us? Can we say it’s the west; USA and Israel are the reason for what is happening to us? Is it the Christianity retaliating against Islam as some claims by saying that the Crusade is back? Can we find an answer for the behavious of Saudii and Qatari’s in supporting these fundamintalist? .."
Our future is not and will not be going the right direction until our kids basic knowledge are pure from all of our crimes, our destruction, and that will take many years to achieve, the illusion of Facebook or Twitter bringing peace and democracvy is just an illusion, based on our lack of education and lack of understanding the principle of democracy.
I remind all of us, that dictatorship is living in each one of us, all of us see ourselves better that the others, and even put down from every one other than ourselves, and until we get to that point of respecting others, respecting opinions, respecting the role of law, respecting the freedom of speech, respecting all religions, and finally respecting all men, women, black and white, we will never achieve success or democracy, because all of us are dictators..."
To read the full articl Click Here

Syria Tomorrow: Approved by IRS as a 501(c) 3 / Non Profit Organization
Non Political & No Religious Organization
Syria Tomorrow announce to all supporters the good new that the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) approved the organization as a non profit one with a tax exmpt status 501(c)3.
Even that Syrian are not in the position to celebrate any things will all killing and destructions going on, we at Syria Tomorrow would like to thank all supporters, volunteers and leaders for the hard working and support led to this achievement. WE believe its a confirmation that our goal of non political or religious organization is prevealed for the sake of helping the real needy Syrian people.
We are going to welcome all your support and donations soon.
Syria Tomorrow Board
Course correction can start with Aleppo
By Javier Solana | Special to Gulf News
Published: 16:48 December 31, 2014
This article was borrowed from the Gulf News due to the important points mentioned and the suggested strategy as understood by insiders.
It is nearly four years since the first uprisings in Damascus and the beginning of the Syrian civil war. Across the country, more than 240,000 people have died. Another 7.5 million have lost their homes or fled the country, becoming refugees. Syria is drowning in a bloody, cruel and pointless conflict. It is time to say “enough” — starting with the devastated city of Aleppo.
Bringing the fighting to a halt will not be easy. It will require the coordination and cooperation of regional and global rivals, but the chance to forge a ceasefire is not only an opportunity to end a humanitarian disaster; it could also mark the beginning of a new approach to resolving and preventing crises elsewhere. Aleppo is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world — and one of the bloodiest battlegrounds in the war. The ancient walled city is one of Syria’s six Unesco World Heritage sites. Much of it has already been irreversibly damaged. Today, Aleppo is under rebel control — surrounded by the Syrian army. Militants loyal to Daesh (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) lie in wait a few kilometres away.
The series of international failures in this conflict so far is inexcusable. Each subsequent breakdown in negotiations, including the Geneva talks, has not only led away from peace, but has also contributed to calamitous developments, including the resurgence of extremist terrorism and the emergence of Daesh. A ceasefire in Aleppo cannot be postponed any further. Enormous humanitarian efforts will be needed to address the catastrophic situation the war has left and United Nations Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura’s immense dedication will be critical.
Fortunately, Syrian President Bashar Al Assad’s two main allies, Iran and Russia, have reasons for seeking a ceasefire. Falling oil prices and economic sanctions have affected both countries. Iran increasingly feels drained by the economic support it gives to the Syrian army and to Hezbollah in Lebanon, while Russia’s authorities, now also confronting a currency crisis, are battling the perfect storm. Both countries also have reasons to demonstrate that they can contribute to regional and global stability — Iran, especially, as international negotiations over its nuclear program are at a critical stage.
Is Democracy Possible in the Middle East?
By Ameer Kabour
Decemeber 31, 2014
It is a highly charged question that has prompted years of scholarly debate. The bigger question after what is called “Arab Spring” is, Is Democracy achievable? If it’s, how can we achieve it? And if not possible, should we live with the current authoritarian system?
In 2011, all that appeared to change, as popular uprisings swept across Arab nations. Starting in Tunisia, the Arab Spring unseated dictators in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen, and triggered protests in Bahrain, Syria, Jordan, and Morocco. The idea of crowds ousting dictators was unthinkable, but as it happened across the Arab world, became not just a possibility but reality.
But what happened next, tell a lot about the Middle East cultures, where we ignore, deny, or even disbelieve. That culture which was built over many years in our mind, heart, thought and soles.
Two years later, Libya and Yemen, which both unseated their respective dictators, are chaotic and anarchic. Syria is in the throes of a bloody civil war. Bahrain's government continues to brutally suppress protesters. Tunisia and Egypt were the two countries that held up possible positive examples of democratic transition, end up with discontent with the Islamist-led governments. In Egypt, the new wave of crowds gathered in Tahrir Square again to cheer the fall of what suppose to be democratically elected president Morsi, who was ousted by the army. Egypt's abrupt turnaround suggested the final death knell for the Arab Spring and for hopes of democracy in the Middle East.
The most obvious observation during the process was the economic support of democracy movement in the Middle East. Those peaceful demonstrators, as started, turned into militant activities, were supported by undemocratic countries, backed up by the US and EU support, and all of that under the umbrella of DEMOCRACY. Qatar and Saudi Arabia was the two obvious supporter of the arm movement in Syria. That demonstrated the depth of the division between Muslims, when Sunni and Shiite’s obvious disagreements over decades rise to become the reason for a long war between the two sides. Some also suggest that the west had a role to play, including maintaining instability in the Middle East to keep the oil region under their influence and to stay the one who control the world. That strategy suddenly faced by the Russian-China coalition, where they felt they have to show the west and US, how important player they are, and how they have to be respected and considered in any future calculation of world control. That led to make Syria the battle ground for the new Cold bloody war between the two side of the conflict, while Syrian’s people fell into the trap of democratic concept, something we never had or never lived, and even never understood.
Some argue that democracy may be incompatible with Middle Eastern values and many other reasons, while some argue that no matter what, the Middle East deserve these democratic changes, even if the price is too expensive to pay, because the future of the new generation is what we should think about.
Let’s analyze the most common reasons for the difficulties of democracy in the Middle East:
Social: Obedience, poverty, glory, self serving, and wars withsirael,
External Influences
Read the conclusion of this article by clicking here
Think the world's a safer place? 48 million refugees have adifferent opinion about that.
By Brian Stewart, CBC News
One of the more comforting claims in recent years is that the world is a less violent place than the blood-soaked centuries gone by.
But try telling that to the current wave of some 48 million refugees and displaced people from today's wars and conflict zones. Most are now crammed into often squalid and unsafe camps as they wait in increasing desperation for a home, somewhere. The numbers are so breathtaking that they take a while to settle into the mind. We're talking about 13 million more people than live in all of Canada. To break it down: 15 million are "external refugees" who have fled their borders, while another 33.5 million are "internally displaced," and live in camps within their own countries, which are often wracked by violence.International organizations give every indication of being overwhelmed, and no wonder. Just compare this 48 million with one of the greatest humanitarian crises in history — when a shattered Europe at the end of the Second World War had to resettle a staggering 16 million displaced persons.A horrifying number certainly, but only a third as many as we have now.
To make matters worse, the crisis is happening at a time when ever more countries are putting up new barriers and taking in fewer refugees.

Egyptian informed sources say that several leading Syrian opposition figures may be meeting in Cairo in the early weeks of 2015 to "agree amongst themselves with the help of Egyptian mediation” on a set of rules for “what should be a political position of the Syrian opposition that could be offered in any possible talks with the Syrian regime.”
“The dates are still flexible and the positions are equally flexible, but what I can say with a considerable deal of certainty is that there is a growing realisation within the Syrian opposition (and I am here specifically not talking about the armed groups) that demanding the immediate departure of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, as a pre-requisite to any political settlement, has become unrealistic given the considerable control the forces of Bashar exercise on the ground,” said one Egyptian source.
According to this source, whose account is not exactly identical with that of a source from the Syrian opposition, it was the leading figures of the Syrian opposition who approached Egypt to provide a venue and mediation for an opposition deal prior to a possible meeting that Moscow is planning, with the help of the international envoy on Syria Steffan de Mistura, in late January between a representative of Al-Assad's regime and representatives of the opposition.
Egyptian mediation would address the relative weight of each political group in the collective vision tabled in Moscow, the possible future role of each group, and the limit of the role of Al-Assad and top regime figures in a transition that would lead to democratic “parliamentary and then presidential” elections, said another Egyptian source.
Egyptian sources acknowledge that in an attempt to help formulate this collective stance of the Syrian opposition, Cairo has been in talks with representatives of Al-Assad's regime, to explore how far it is willing to go in accommodating opposition demands.
“Not very far — at least yet,” said one source who is familiar with the Cairo-Damascus talks. This said, he added, Al-Assad is coming under considerable pressure from Moscow to engage positively towards a deal whereby the president of Syria, who had faced wide protests demanding democracy as part of the now largely contained Arab Spring in early 2011, would have both a role in the transition and a clear amnesty.