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The Syrian Civility

June, 2012

​The first impression after listening to discussion between Syrian's, we notice the emotional anger and the build up of disrespect to each other point of view. May be it's time to look for a better tomorrow, better solutions, better discussion, more understandings, more respect to each others. Syria Tomorrow as an independent voice, invite every one to try, to start somewhere to agree on and build up from there. We believe that will be the first step toward democracy and changes to meet all people demands and stop these massacres in our home, stop the destructions, and stop the animosity.

Many argues how can we start talking after all of this bloodshed? the answer is simple, no matter what, we have and we can stop more bloodshed, more killings. We need to show the world how we are as Syrian can change the world to a better place, better people, better government, better country. The path we are going through is the beginning of destroying it all, at that time we will have no people, no government and no country. Its time for all of us to work together for a better tomorrow, and start the healing process.

ST Editor

Houla Massacre:

SYRIA moved further towards a full civil war today after a massacre of 92 people, including 32 children.

The incident shocked the world and was one of the the worst of the 14-month uprising. UN civilian military and civilian observers went to Houla and counted more than 32 children under the age of 10 and over 60 adults killed," General Mood said in a statement.

"The violence isn unacceptable and unforgivable.
"The death of 32 young children, the future of Syria, is something that is absolutely deplorable.
"Whoever started, whoever responded and whoever carried out this deplorable act of violence should be held responsible."

The opposition Syrian National Council, as well as rights groups, accused the Syrian military bombarded Houla after demonstrations.
Activists say some of the victims died by shelling, while others were summarily executed by the regime militia known as the "shabiha".

Syria's foreign ministry denied army involvement, blaming "terrorists"Spokesman Jihad Makdissi said there was a clash in the area on Friday afternoon between security forces and armed terrorists.

The bigger question, why? how? and who is responsible for this?

Let us start thinking about different path, start with civility instead of killing, better tomorrow instead of dark future. I urge every honest Syrian in the government and every honest person in every fraction of the oppositions. Lets not justify crimes and shift blames, no matter what its not acceptable in any society or religion.

DAMASCUS - June 3, 2012

Bashar al-Assad dismissed on Sunday accusations his government had any role in the brutal Houla massacre, as he charged forces outside Syria of plotting to destroy the country.
In a rare televised address to parliament, Assad, adressed in a smart suit and tie, said even “monsters” were incapable of carrying out massacres such as last month’s killings near the town of Houla in central Syria. At least 108 people, including 49 children and 34 women, were slaughtered in the massacre which started on May 25 and spilled into the next day, triggering international outrage.


Assad’s defiant speech came as Arab leaders called on the United Nations to act to stop bloodshed in Syria, and France raised the prospect of military action against Damascus under a UN mandate.
“What happened in Houla and elsewhere are brutal massacres which even monsters would not have carried out,” the Syrian leader said. “The masks have fallen and the international role in the Syrian events is now obvious,” he said in his first address to the assembly since a May 7 parliamentary election, adding the polls were the perfect response “to the criminal killers and those who finance them”.

The Assad address his parliament

Doha - June 2, 2012

Kofi Annan gave warning that his peace plan for Syria would not be available "forever" 

"The spectre of an all-out war with a worrying sectarian dimension grows by the day," he told a ministerial meeting on Syria in Doha.

"The situation is complex and it takes everyone involved in the conflict to act responsibly if the violence is to stop. But the first responsibility lies in the Syrian government and President Assad," he said.

He said he expressed to Assad during his visit to Damascus earlier this week his "deep concerns" and that the crisis is "at a tipping point."
Up to 300 unarmed UN observers have deployed in Syria since a putative ceasefire brokered by Annan went into effect in April as part of his six-point peace plan, which also stipulated that the army must pull out of towns and cities. "I told Assad he must act now to implement all points of the plan, and must make bold and visible steps immediately to radically change his military posture and honour commitment to withdraw heavy weapons and cease all violence," Annan said.


He also said he told Assad to release detainees, open up the country to international humanitarian aid and allow people to express their opinion freely as "this is essential to demonstrate his seriousness to the Syrian people and the international community."
Monitors say more than 13,400 people have been killed across Syria since an anti-regime uprising erupted in March 2011, including nearly 2,300 since the ceasefire technically went into effect on April 12.
Most of Syria's 22-million population are Sunni Muslims, while other minorities include 10 percent Christians and 12 percent Alawites -- an off-shoot Shiite community to which Assad belongs.

Syria risks slipping into 'all-out sectarian war', says Kofi Annan

Stop The Killing:

A young women message to all Syrian: Rime Dali

Last month in Damascus, one young woman stood alone in the middle of a busy street outside parliament. Her banner, as big as her, declared "Stop the Killing."

Passers-by stopped to applaud her message. The authorities detained her.

But this lone act of bravery by "the woman in the red dress" was captured on video and became something much bigger. Others copied her burst of defiance.

"It started as a personal scream of anger but it spread widely," reflected the strikingly soft-voiced Rime Dali.
"It even gathered people who support the regime because we all want to stop the killing, and build a Syria for all Syrians."


May be this young lady will be an example for our civil and peaceful call to end all killing, a message Syria Tomorrow support and believe in. We applaud you Rime because you are sending a message to all of us and hope we are listening.

How are you Ya Arab?

​The funny part in the Arab Spring is not the right of the people to be free from all dictators and to have a society give them their equal rights and opportunities. The most funny is how the dictators think about themselves as a human right supporters.  

Look into the above picture and you will see all Arab dictators standing and supporting each other, and suddenly they became enemies and willing to destroy each other country under the umbrella of democracy and human right while their own countries lack the minimum of freedom. That is an insult to the Arab people intelligence. 

We are wondering what is behind it? trying to understand it. The value of freedom is not a game we play with each other and use our money to have control under the umbrella of differences in ideology or religion, its a reserved right will and should spread all over, and at that time people will see how every one is a dictator in his own country. We need to look around and notice how is democracy is not something we buy, but something we believe in, support and implement. 

It's time to weak up Ya Arab.



Syrian Journalist:

Mazen Dawrish Held in Syria.

Darwish played a key role in providing daily information about the situation in Syria, at a time when almost all foreign journalists are banned from visiting the country. 

Mazen Darwish, the head of the Damascus-based Syrian Centre for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM), and 15 of his colleagues were arrested by Air Force Intelligence officers during a raid on the centre on 16 February. 

The Syrian authorities refuse to say where he is being held. He is not being allowed access to his family or lawyers, in complete violation of international law. So far, no charges have been brought against him.

Syria Tomorrow call on every government official to secure his release, not because he is a journalist but they need to start showing that freedom of speech is respected and allowed after all of these bloodshed we witnessed last few month. We call on every one of them to weak up and start doing the right thing.

Syrian Third Movement is Coming

Nothing in Damascus suggests that it has been hit the winds of protests. Damascenes still carry out their lives as if they are in another country. Despite the recent bombings, the markets are full of customers and the old-town cafes still welcome their patrons. There are no signs of demonstrations and no opposition slogans mark the walls. This is the picture on the surface, but looking deeper we find a different picture. For all of the people of Alsham (the traditional name for Damascus) — whether they support or oppose the regime — the question on their lips is: “Where are we headed?”

Damascus is listening to a symphony of mixed rhythm.The quiet neighborhoods of Abu Rumana, Bab Touma and Kassa'a, the noise of the Sabaa Bahrat Square and the tension of Almidan and Kfarsousa districts combine to create a Damascene symphony. 

Contrary to all the Arab revolutions, the squares of Damascus continue their normal life, while the opposition has failed to occupy any of them in the city. We brought this issue up to a number of the regime supporters and opponents, and their answers and analyses varied.

Between the two main sides involved in the Syrian crisis — the pro-regime supporters and the opposition — a new movement is emerging in Damascus. Its birth may be contributed to the distance of the capital from the main violent events. It is the “Third Movement,” comprised of those who do not trust the regime, but at the same time find that the opposition is mired in its own mistakes. This movement and its followers have been often criticized by both of the other parties, because they believe that there is no room for compromise; either you are with them, or against them.

One advocate of moderation, as she calls herself, says "I am not with the system and I remain unconvinced by the opposition.” We asked her, “Who are you with?” 

She replied with confidence, “I am with Damascus.”

I wish all Syrian's will start thinking that way to move forward, because if we are "With Syria" we will find the will and work hard to compromise and reach the good solution for all of us and stop the killing and blood shed.

Copyright Syria Tomorrow. 

A Non Profit Organizationto Promote Syrian Peace

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