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The United Nation Security Counsel Vetoes: Lessons to Learn.

Russia and China have vetoed a draft UN resolution calling for the crisis in Syria to be referred to the international criminal court – ignoring support for the measure by 65 other countries and all other members of the security council.


The US ambassador, attacked Moscow and Beijing, saying: "The Syrian people will not see justice today. They will see crime, but not punishment. The vetoes today have prevented the victims of atrocities from testifying at The Hague."


She cited the testimony of a Syrian defector, codenamed Casear, who produced photographic evidence – first reported by the Guardian – of the killing of 11,000 detainees in Syrian government custody.


History: All the five-permenant countries in the UNSC used the veto right based on their political and ideological agenda. The most recent use for each of them are:


• March 15, 2014: Russia vetoed a resolution condemning as illegal a referendum on the status of Crimea.

• July 19, 2012: China and Russia vetoed a resolution threatening Chapter 7 sanctions against Syria.

• February 18, 2011: The United States vetoed a draft resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

• December 23, 1989: France, the United Kingdom and the United States vetoed a draft resolution condemning the United States invasion of Panama.


Russia: In the early days of the United Nations, the Soviet Union commissar and later minister for foreign affairs, Vyacheslav Molotov, vetoed resolutions so many times that he was known as "Mr. Veto". In fact, the Soviet Union was responsible for nearly half of all vetoes ever cast—79 vetoes were used in the first 10 years. Molotov regularly rejected bids for new membership because of the US's refusal to admit the Soviet republics. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia has used its veto power sparingly


United States: Ambassador Charles W. Yost cast the first U.S. veto in 1970, regarding a crisis in Rhodesia, and the U.S. cast a lone veto in 1972, to prevent a resolution relating to Israel. Since that time, it has become by far the most frequent user of the veto, mainly on resolutions criticising Israel; since 2002 the Negroponte doctrine has been applied for the use of a veto on resolutions relating to the ongoing Israel-Palestinian conflict. This has been a constant cause of friction between the General Assembly and the Security Council. On 18 February 2011, the Obama administration vetoed resolutions condemning Israeli settlements.


Analysis: USA accuse the Russian of abuse for the Veto right when dealing with the Syrian crisis, but history suggest the same abuse by the United States when dealing with the Israel and paletenian crisis. It’s naieve to forget the history by having selective memory. The UNSC veto right was created to keep what they called balance in power, and that is based on those powers in the 19th century. Has nothing to do with right and wrong.


Evidence presented in the UNSC recently to justify the action against Syria, was based on third parties analysis, remind us of Few years back, when the United States presented evidence suggesting Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq as a reason to save humanity from a dictator. We end up with a lengthy war, leading to many killed soldiers, hundred or thousands Irques lost their life and million became a refugees. What the USA and Russia is doing, both inflaming the war and motivating both sides to continue, with no real effort to sto these massacres.


I suggest to the UNSC ambassadors to go back ab]=n dread the history before they cast more votes toward more catastrophies and killing.


May be we need the Veto right to be free of any political influence, and based only on right and wrong, the way it should be.


On behalf of Syria Tomorrow

Ameer Kabour

The dream we had about possible peaceful agreement between Syrian's, became a nightmares, where parties end up with no resolutions, but more arms and more innomosities, and angers. Leading to more crisis on the ground, and each side claim victory. 

I remind all Syrians' that our shame will never end, allowing weapons to replace talks, killing to replace saving lives, and destruction instead of building the nation. At one day, Syrian's considered the most intelligents in the world, are we? I let you answer that question.


I leave our proposed peace agreement published to remind all Syrian's that we jhave to end this, we have to think about our children's more than ourselves. 



Under the auspices of the United Nations and pursuant to the UN Security Council Resolution No. 2118 which was unanimously adopted on 27 September 2013, which provides that the way to reach a very urgent peaceful settlement, which was specified in the Geneva Statement on 30 June 2012 (Attachment 1), and ever since the initiative of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, his Excellency Sergey Laprov , and the US Secretary of State, his Excellency Mr. John Kerry, on 7 May 2013, intensive preliminary consultations took place and, consequently, The Geneva Conference on Syria was held on 22 December 2014, pursuant to which the undersigned, the parties to this Agreement representing the Syrian State, in the presence of the UN Secretary General and Mr. Alakhdar Al-Ibrahimi, the joint UN and Arab League envoy, agreed to issue the Syrian National Security Strategy Document as well as the Syrian Peace Agreement, which is known as the Interim Governing Body at the Syrian Senate, to pave the way to put forth both to the Syrian people in a public referendum, under the auspices of the United Nations, within a maximum period of three months of the date hereof.


Syrian National Security Strategy




In 2011, the Syrians fell into difference and were divided. The difference developed into a civil, regional and international war within Syrian territory, during which the Syrians lost their schools, hospitals and factories; millions of them became displaced within and outside the homeland, and hundreds of thousands were killed and wounded; thousands of mercenaries entered Syria, spreading terror, chaos and destruction. With this war, the First Syrian Republic came to an end, which Republic became independent in 1946 after having been dominated by all the Great Powers that had ruled the world throughout history, as they all had known that they would not be great powers unless they ruled the most important site in the world, which linkes the three main continents in the world.


With the beginning of the Second Syrian Republic, the Syrians came to appreciate the first independence as well as the importance of the trust by the Great Powers, represented by the UN Security Council and the world, of the Syrian people preserving the most important strategic position in terms of its citizens, territory, water, resources and environment. The Syrians became awareof the recognition of Syria’s international boundaries that are recorded by the United Nations, without applying the terms “artificial”, “drawn up by colonialists”, as this has facilitated the advent of mercenaries from all over the world, and secured for them environments that harbor them, and did not mind their crossing borders that the Syrians have been educated to consider “artificial”. The Syrians came to understand that the major battle of the Syrian people is not against America and Israel, nor with Saudi Arabia, Turkey or Iran. The Syrian people have come to understand that their major battle is with themselves against racism, localism and sectarianism against violence and predomination; against the obstacles that stand in the way of culture, education, health, equal opportunities, social justice and development. Hence, the Syrians decided that the boundaries of the Syrian State that are recorded by the United Nations are Syria’s final boundaries for all Syria’s citizens within such boundaries and that all Syrians are equal in rights and duties.


Read the full proposal in the PDF format

Arab Leaders Decision's: Do they really think we care? 

Arab leaders, at loggerheads over numerous issues including Egypt and Syria, pledged at the end of a two-day summit in Kuwait on Wednesday to work to end their divisions.


"We pledge to work decisively to put a final end to divisions," read their final statement, read out to media byKuwaiti Foreign Ministry undersecretary Khaled al-Jarallah.


WE urge those leaders to stop wasting time and money on useless meeting, means nothing, lead to nothing, because they are becoming the joke of the generations.


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Think the world's a safer place? 48 million refugees have an opinion about that.

By Brian Stewart, CBC News

One of the more comforting claims in recent years is that the world is a less violent place than the blood-soaked centuries gone by.


But try telling that to the current wave of some 48 million refugees and displaced people from today's wars and conflict zones. Most are now crammed into often squalid and unsafe camps as they wait in increasing desperation for a home, somewhere. The numbers are so breathtaking that they take a while to settle into the mind. We're talking about 13 million more people than live in all of Canada.  To break it down: 15 million are "external refugees" who have fled their borders, while another 33.5 million are "internally displaced," and live in camps within their own countries, which are often wracked by violence.International organizations give every indication of being overwhelmed, and no wonder. Just compare this 48 million with one of the greatest humanitarian crises in history — when a shattered Europe at the end of the Second World War had to resettle a staggering 16 million displaced persons.A horrifying number certainly, but only a third as many as we have now.


To make matters worse, the crisis is happening at a time when ever more countries are putting up new barriers and taking in fewer refugees. 


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Battle for Aleppo could prove final reckoning in Syria's war

Martin Chulov

The Observer, Saturday 24 May 2014

Abu Mahmoud outside his half-ruined home in Aleppo's Shaar district. Photograph, Zac Baillie for the Observer Photograph: Zac Baillie For The Observer

Abu Mahmoud was at the mosque when a barrel bomb destroyed half of his house in the Shaar district in February. He spent the rest of the winter living in the other half, exposed to the elements and still-constant menace from the skies. He says he expects to die there.

"What am I going to do?" he asked plaintively, offering tea in china cups salvaged from the ruins. "This has become a war that is far bigger than any of us. The country is being destroyed, and the region is being sucked into a hole from which it can never recover.

"This could have all been avoided if people spoke to each other from the beginning, if leaders acknowledged that the people have the right to expect things from them."


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Tweeting at terrorists: inside America's social media battle with online jihad

By Raf Sanchez, Washington

The US State Department has launched an experimental unit to fight al-Qaeda ideologists on Twitter across the web. But can it actually stop terrorism?



The jihadist pauses briefly from his snowball fight to address the camera.


"It's not a horror movie here," he says gleefully. Behind him his comrades sling their AK-47s as they laugh in the snowy Syrian grove. "We are not those so-called 'evil salafists'. We can also have fun."


The fighter is Denis Cuspert, a German rapper who went by the stage name Deso Dogg until he turned to Islamism and moved to Syria to take up jihad.


Cuspert is the kind of extremist who keeps Western security agents up at night: a charismatic convert who makes terrorism look glamorous and speaks in German as he exhorts fellow Europeans to take up arms.


"Look my dear brothers and sisters, this is jihad," he shouts, gesturing at the carefree scene around him. "I invite you to join jihad!"


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أطفال سورية لن يسامحونا على ماتسببنا لهم فيه من تشرد وضياع و لكن سيغفرون لنا أخطائنا إذا استطعنا أن نعود الى الحكمة والعقل في حل أمورنا

Copyright Syria Tomorrow. 

A Non Profit Organizationto Promote Syrian Peace

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