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Weather is an additional suffering for the Syrian...

The Syrian children's current suffering is not only from the civil war, leading to destruction and hunger, but even the weather showing them no mercy....

Assad statement praising Mandela - Really?

In a statement that was greeted with derision from opposition activists and commentators, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is two and a half year...

Qatar Changing Policy on Syria to Avoid Being Marg...

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The Civil War Destruction

The biggerAt first glance it is just another image of a Syrian fighter preparing to fire his weapon. 

But look beyond the sandbags and rubble and there...

As Polio Spreads In Syria, Politics Thwarts Vaccin...

The World Health Organization has declared a polio emergency in Syria.  After being free of the crippling disease for more than a decade, Syria record...

Iraqi cameraman executed in Syria

Fighters linked to al-Qaeda have kidnapped and executed an Iraqi freelance cameraman working in northern Syria, the first foreign journalist killed by...

Syrian official calls chemical weapons deal a 'vic...

A high-ranking Syrian official on Sunday welcomed the U.S.-Russian agreement to secure and destroy Syria's chemical weapons arsenal, calling it a "vic...

Battles rage on in Syria Christian town

DAMASCUS: Syria’s army battled rebels for control of the ancient Christian town of Maalula near Damascus on Saturday, a security official told AFP, a...

On the Fence About Syria? Read This!

Some progressives remain conflicted about how the United States should respond to Syria’s increasingly violent civil war. This internal division has o...

Christian village becomes a battleground in Syrian...

France 24: Latest reports from Syrian opposition groups on Sunday said rebels – including militants from the al Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra group – h...

Iraqi Kurdistan 'ready to defend Syrian Kurds'

August 11, 2013

ERBIL-Hewlêr, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— Iraqi Kurdistan's leader threatened on Saturday to intervene to protect Kurds in neighbouring...

Audit of Syria refugees finds organised crime and...

GENEVA (Reuters) - Many Syrians who have escaped their country are now desperate to escape from U.N.-run refugee camps, where women are not safe and t...

Iran's new president expresses support for Assad

Iran's new president has expressed his country's support to Syria's embattled leader Bashar Assad's regime, saying no force in the world will be able...

Syria's neighbors limit refugee flow

International concern is rising as Syria’s neighboring countries, overburdened with refugees fleeing the war, are sharply reducing the number they all...

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Today and Yesterday:


Its an Arabic language article published on the Syria Tomorrow facebook page, where thousands of people responded positively, sharing the meaning and the content of the article, and sharing the wishes to changes the land scape of the crisis, asking all Syrian's, Arab and the world to change toward a peaceful solution in Syria.


The article reflect that Syrian's today are the same as yesterday. They were behind Assad, praise his policies, carry his pictures, and today they do the same, but praise the Gulf countries kings, and athe rebel leaders supported by them, looking only for their own interest and power.


Finally the article calls on all Syrian's to stop the killing, reminding them that history will never forgive them for what they are doing in that innocent country.

الماضي والحاضر

بالأمس القريب، كنا تتغنى بأسماء زعمائنا شئنا ام ابينا، كنا نهتف باسمائهم و كأنهم اعظم خلق 
الله بل واحيانا اعتبرهم البعض بمقام الله، لأننا عبيد لهم وكنا نتغنى كمستعبدين. 

واليوم اصبحنا نصرخ بكلمة الله اكبر و نردد الصلوات و ننتظر الهدايات و نفتي التكفيرات، و نعيش نفس الاستعباد، ولكن هذه المرة مستعبدون للكلمات والشعارات، بل واصبحنا كالقطيع يمشي وراء الراعي بالاشارات. 

بالأمس القريب بعنا و انتفعنا من صور الاسد، في كل مكان وضعنا لهم صنما وفي كل شارع رسمنا لهم حجرا، و مع كل طفل يولد أعطينا لهم فضلا. واليوم من ظنوا انهم الحكام الجدد، رؤوا تغيير الطباعات فقط، من صور الاسد الى ملوك الخليج، ومن اسماء الاسد الى الله اكبر ومن الألوان المتعددة الى سواد شعارات النصرة. بالأمس كفّرنا من لايحب الاسد واليوم نكفر كل من لايطيع أوامر الإسلاميون الجدد باعتبارها بشريعتهم واجبة.

أتساؤل عما تغير فينا، ان كتا تغيرنا حقا، أنادي كل العقلاء من البشر هل حقاً نحن من البشر. 
عندما نحاول استطلاع ماهو قادم إلينا بالغد الاتي ننظر في المراة حتى نحاول التخلص من كل عيوبنا. ولكننا نجد انفسنا تراوح في مكانها وان كنا ظننا اننا وصلنا الى المستحيل.

أحقا هذا هو ما نستحقه نحن السوريين
أحقا هذا ما أردناه بعد طول السنين
أحقا هذا ما سنعطيه لاولادنا الحالمين
أحقا اصبح إيماننا للتاجرين
أحقا اصبحنا اشرس الحاقدين
أم اننا كنا مستعبدين وتحولنا إلى كافرين

الإيمان محبة، ومغفرة ويقين
الوطنية تضحية و سلام لكل المواطنين
الحرية معناها واحد، حرية الإرادة، حرية التفكير والتعبير، حرية الكلام والضمير، ولكن الأهم حرية الأديان وتقرير المصير. 

كفاكم أيها السوريون تجارة بأرواح الناس، و دماء الأبرياء. كفاكم قتلا وترويعا فهذا ليس من شيم العظماء.
والأهم كفاكم تجارة بدين الله، سنة وشيعة، فإن الله مما تفعلون وتكّفرون منكم براء

د. أمير كبور

Britain says no to Syria's refugees

By: John Alseidi

The British Government has been accused of adopting a “no room at the inn” policy after rejecting a United Nations appeal to allow refugees fleeing the crisis in Syria to live in Britain.


Ministers have decided not to join 16 nations, including the United States, France and Germany, which have pledged to allow a total of more than 10,000 refugees from the bloody three-year civil war to move to their countries.


This decision reflect the reality of the world we are living in, we are willing to call for changes, democracy, destruction, killing for the sake of our goals, but keep all of those trouble a way from us. The British governement is the best examples. Kept talking about the necessity of change in Syria, change the regime, even participated in all effort to support rebels, until now part of Syria is controlled by Islamic Fundamentalist, like Al-Qaeda and others, leading to millions of refugees around the world, and when the responsibility comes to accomodate few of those refugees, Britain refuse to even consider the minimum like some other countries.


This stand will tell the world a lot about the European strategy in the Middle East. It suggest how the goal is not real democracy as claimed as much their own power, control, and future benefit. The problem that this kind of policy is leading yto unrest in the whole world, and the collateral damage from it will expand to the extent could reach to all of them. 


The second message to learn that internal affairs should stay internal, and not to fell in the trap of outside supporters, becauseafter many lessons we recognize that the only support we should depend on is ourselves.


We call on all Syrian's to wake up and think about our kids, our future, may be we can stop these massacres, and reserve some of what left in the country to help rebuilding and have a better future.



In the Mind of One Syrian:

By: Ameer Kabour                                                  

My son asked me the big question: Are the Syrian's really that way dad?


He is watching all the killing, destructions, and hetaerism in a small country like Syria. 


I always told him how wonderful, educated, smart, patriot, passionate, and loving people are the Syrian's, but then suddenly I find myself unable to answer that simple question he asked because it seems the fact we did not know much about ourselves.


Probably the majority of Syrian's are still descent people, looking for the end of the day to join their family, enjoy their dinner and the evening talk, but the unfortunate reality that many others painted the Syrian flag with blood. The reality I realized how easy we are to be bought by whoever pay more, how bloody we are the way we killing each others and killing innocent people then claim victory, how selfish we are, when all what we think about is winning instead of our compromising, how criminal we are, when we justify all destructions, chemicals, changing the face of Islam for the sake of winning, and having the two fighting sides claim they are the victim, while they continue to victimize each other.


I lived in Syria half of my life in peace, I never knew my neighbor is Shiite or Sunni, never cared if he is Christian or Jewish, all of us lived in peace, loved our friendship, cared for each other like brothers. But now we see Muslim clerks justifying killing our Muslim brother no matter who he is, our leaders proud of the destruction everywhere, our revolution proud how we can eat human hearts while prohibited in our Islam, while our president still shop on line....


After thinking for a long time, I answered my son with shame and guilt, I told him, that real Syrian's became a history, we can read about them in our books, remember them in our movies, imagine them in our dreams. The reality we lost our Syrianity, our hearts, believes, our convictions, but the most important we lost our mind.


It will never be easy to rebuild the trust in many years to come; it is not going to be easy to believe in each other as a human being for many years to come. The unfortunate conclusion I reached that over thousands of years we lived an illusion of peace, love, brotherhood, and Iman. Now after all of what we see, we have to believe that we are not human, we are not Muslims, and we are not Syrian's. Thank you to all of those on both sides of the conflict, who worked hard to prove our criminality, our lack of sincerity, our lack of humanity, but the most important one that they proved to us our stupidity.


I am so sorry son! I have to tell this truth about us, I am trying to reject that fact, but every day it cross my mind that its the truth.


عندما يصبح الإعلام العربي وسيلة ترفيه من خلال المعذبين في سوريتنا
فضحايا هذا الإعلام هم أطفالنا, إخوتنا, نساؤنا و شيوخنا
وتحت حجة احترام الآراء, دفعونا لبيع أنفسنا وترسيخ أحقادنا 
والأهم أن وصل عدد المراسلين في سورية لما يفوق عدد سكاننا

إن كان صمت الحناجر سيوقف القتل والخراب فلنصمت!
إن كان إلغاء منابر التدجيل والنفاق يعيد منابر الجوامع للصلاة فلنصمت!
إن كان شراء الآراء في شاشات الأقمار التخريبية أصبح حرية فلنصمت!
إن كان زرع الاحقاد أصبح بطولة فلنصمت! 
وإن كان بيع الكلام أصبح حرية فلنصمت! 

كفى كلمة أصبحت بلا معنى

وقتل الأبرياء أصبح بلا معنى

واستغاثة الأطفال أصبحت بلا معنى


كفاكم ياحكام سورية د مارا

كفاكم يامعارضون فالثورة أصبحت نارا

كفاكم ياحكام العرب بيع إسلامنا للكفارا

وكفانا جميعا بغضا وحقدا و تضليلا و تكفيرا


فنحن إخوة في الأصل و الدين

فمحمد رسول كل المسلمين

والرب الواحد هو رب لكل الؤمنين



رسالة إلى كل العرب

عدنان محمد سالم

Russian warships to escort Syrian chemical weapons 


Russia’s naval joint force in the Mediterranean will be escorting ships with chemical weapons once they leave Syria, a top official at the Russian Chief of Staff told RIA Novosti. Russia will also provide $2 mn to help with the chemicals’ destruction.

The latest reports, Russia’s task force in the Mediterranean consists of five warships: the nuclear-powered missile cruiser, ‘Pyotr Veliky’, the missile destroyer ‘Smetlivy’ and three large landing craft carriers, ‘Yamal,’ ‘Filchenkov,’ and ‘Pobeditel.’

Russia is providing the UN mission for the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons with an “impressive”amount of aid, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told the Voice of Russia on Tuesday. “The contribution of the Russian Federation to this process is impressive. We have dispatched 75 trucks by Russian military transport aviation. We have allocated up to 2 million dollars in funds,” Ryabkov said.

Russian armored trucks will be used for the removal of chemical weapons from warehouses and military installations in Syria, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Monday.According to Shoigu, the vehicles have been delivered to Syria along with other equipment that will be employed in the destruction of the chemical arsenal, including water reservoirs, field kitchens, tents and other things the troops will need during the operation.The allocated money will also be transferred to the UN “in the coming days”, according to Ryabkov.Earlier the UN mission supervising the dismantling of Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal expressed concern over security risks posed by the continued fighting in Syria.Just days ago there was a report about fighting between Syrian government troops and militants from the Al-Nusra Front and the Army of Islam going on “just 100 meters away” from a chemical facility in the Sukkari neighborhood in the Homs Governorate.

Some of the argument against these Russian effort comes from the fear of the governementSyrian take over control of these armored trucks to use against the rebel, but based on sources the chemical weapon destruction to the whole world is more important than any concern expressed about the control of thgose truck.

ST /Sam Ellis

Syrian president shows that momentum in civil war is shifting in his favor

Fox News

Syrian President Bashar Assad and his allies are showing renewed confidence that the momentum in the civil war is shifting in their favor, due in part to the rapid rise of al-Qaida-linked extremists among the rebels and the world's reluctance to take forceful action to intervene in the fighting. 


His invigorated regime has gone on the offensive — both on the ground and in its portrayal of the conflict as a choice between Assad and the extremists.

There are signs of Assad's renewed confidence.After dropping largely out of sight following an hour-long speech at the Opera House in central Damascus in January, Assad has appeared in two TV interviews in the past month. His wife, Asma, appeared in public in March for the first time in months, surrounded by women and children for a function honoring mothers."I can say, without exaggeration, that the situation in Syria now is better than it was at the beginning of the crisis," Assad said in an interview with state-run broadcaster Al-Ikhbariya on April l7."With time, people became more aware of the dangers of what was happening. ... They started to gain a better understanding of the real Syria we used to live in and realized the value of the safety, security and harmony, which we used to enjoy," he added.


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The Movie "King of the Sands" Face the Saudiis Objections and Rejections 

World Press


The new movie, produced by Anzour, is a historical biopic on the founder of Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz Al Saud, depicting the deal between Abdulaziz and Britain in which he was supplied with weapons and funds to eliminate the Al Rasheed dynasty which was ruling Riyadh at the time and get rid of the Ottomans in a precursor to the Western occupation of the region and the Sykes-Picot agreement.


Also details the alliance between Al Saud and the Wahabis which allowed them to seize control of Saudi Arabia and rule by the sword and their interpretation of religion. 


The movie had originally debuted in London on November 29th. It stars Italian actors Fabio Testi as Abdulaziz and Marco Foschi as the young Abdulaziz, in addition to British actor Bill Fellows as John Philby.


Najdat Anzour directed several historical TV series, most notable of which is "Ukhwet al-Turab" (Brothers of Soils) which depicted the history of Syria and the region under the yoke of the Ottomans in the WWI era.

He also directed the first Syrian historical fantasy series, "Al-Jawareh" . Also he tackled the issue of religious extremism and terrorism in the controversial series "Ma Malakat Aymanukem" and "Al-Huur al-Eyn," with his works earning him both awards and acclaim and drawing the ire of extremists.


Saudi Arabia is strongly objecting to the movie story and details, with aggressive campaign against the movie in the Middle East and the world, even Mr. Anzour announce that he hold the Saudiis responsible for any harm happen to him or his cast, who recieved multiple threat from different groups.


Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has suggested Iran’s nuclear issue should be resolved with the same approach as Russia offered for Syria, saying it will be peaceful for Tehran just like it was for the war-torn Arab state. “This will be a peaceful, diplomatic solution of Iran’s nuclear issue just the way it [solution] has been achieved in Syria regarding its chemical weapons,” the Israeli Prime Minister said at a press-conference with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.  


For his part, President Putin said he was hopeful of a positive outcome from the talks in Geneva, stressing that both Russia and Israel were optimistic that a "mutually acceptable resolution" could be found. 


Netanyahu has compared Iran’s nuclear issue to Syria's possession of chemical weapons saying that it was a matter “very similar” to what the “states [P5+1 group] involved in Geneva talks” are now negotiating.  Netanyahu stressed that Israel is interested in a peaceful and diplomatic solution for Iran, just like with Syria, where the disarmament process going on.   "I think that we can draw serious conclusions from the resolution that the powers have reached on Syria's non-conventional weapons. In the case of Syria, Russia and other powers quite justifiably insisted on full the disarmament of Syria,"  he said. 


Netanyahu said that the International community would not agree to allow Syria to reduce its chemical weapons ability but allowing it to keep its capacity to amass more stockpiles in the future. 

The Israeli PM said "the international community must definitely watch closely the implementation of the UN Security Council resolution by Iran, namely, to cease uranium enrichment, to dismantle the centrifuges, to withdraw the enriched material from Iran and dismantle the reactor in Arak".  


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أنقذوا أطفال سورية


More than a fifth of Syria's schools have been destroyed or made unusable in more than two years of conflict, jeopardising the education of 2.5 million young people, Save The Children aid agency reported on Friday,

The civil war in Syria has contributed to a sharp increase over the past year in the number of violent incidents affecting children's education reported worldwide, the agency said.

More than 70 percent of 3,600 such incidents in 2012 occurred in Syria, where school buildings were shelled, teachers attacked and children recruited into armed groups, it added.


LONDON (Reuters) 

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The Egyptian cleric was in a fervor. With Hezbollah's Shiite fighters helping Bashar Assad crush Syrian rebels, he wanted to sound the alarm to Sunnis across the Middle East: "Now is the time for jihad."

Speaking on a Saudi TV station, Sheik Mohammed el-Zoghbi called on "young men in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Kuwait, Jordan, Yemen," to go to Syria to fight. "We must all go to purge Syria of this infidel regime, with its Shiites who came from Iran, southern Lebanon and Iraq," he shouted during an appearance on Al-Khalijiya TV.

The overt entry by Lebanon's Hezbollah militia in Syria's civil war on the side of its ally President Assad has sharpened sectarian divisions throughout the Middle East.

Fighters from the Shiite guerrilla group helped Syrian forces batter the rebel-held town of Qusair for three weeks until they finally overran it this week in a significant victory for Assad's regime. Many Sunni hard-liners have taken Hezbollah's intervention as a declaration of war by Shiites against Sunnis.

That could have dangerous implications not only for Syria's conflict but for the entire region.

Calls for jihad by Sunni clerics could increase the flow of foreign militants into Syria to fight alongside the rebels. Sunni Arab powers like Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, who see the war as a way to break the influence of Assad's Shiite ally Iran, may step up weapons supplies to Syria's rebels to counterbalance Hezbollah.


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UN receives Syria chemical weapons treaty papers

By Luke SHRAGO - SEPT 13, 2013



The United Nations announced on Thursday that it had received a document from Syria on joining the Chemical Weapons Convention, a global treaty prohibiting their production and use.

Russia had called on Syria to commit to the agreement and place its stockpiles of chemical weaponsunder international control as part of a proposal to avoid a possible US-led military strike against the country. Syria is one of only seven countries that have not signed the 1997 treaty, which seeks to eliminate all chemical weapons.

“In the past few hours we have received a document from the government of Syria that is being translated, which is to be an accession document concerning the Chemical Weapons Convention,” UN spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters.

Read the full story 


Syria Tomorrow ask the Syrian officials why now? 


As Syrian's we are happy for the move, but the bigger question why

we had it from the beggening? why we did not go with the well of the International community in the past? 


We hope that the Middle East will ban all chemical and nuclear weapons, because having it doesn not give us power or defeat the enemies, and the Syrian example is the best one for the rest of the region governmenets, including ISrael, Iran, Saudi Arabia and others.

By Kemal Dervis - Business Day


A cycle of terrible violence has taken over much of the Middle East. Its centre has shifted from Iraq to Syria, but it encompasses Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia as well. Farther east, Afghanistan is suffering its second decade of violent conflict, while Pakistan seems to be chronically on the brink of war, civil war, or social breakdown.


The most worrisome underlying threat is the increase in fighting between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. Likewise, pious conservatives and secular youth, who joined forces in Cairo and Tunis in 2010-11 to challenge the dictators, have now turned on each other: witness the Egyptian security forces' appalling massacres of Islamist demonstrators in Cairo, following a military coup carried out with liberals' support. The region's people are sliding into enemy camps.


I have often argued that Turkey should not intervene in the internal affairs of its neighbours or adopt a Middle East-centred policy. Both government and opposition should remain steadfastly focused on Europe, despite the obstacles that the European Union has placed in Turkey's way during membership negotiations.


But Turkey cannot be indifferent to the tragedy engulfing its neighbours. The Arab world's pain is acutely felt, owing to Turkey's historical, religious, and emotional bonds with these countries. Moreover, economic ties and sheer proximity mean that Turkey's prosperity depends, to some degree at least, on that of the Middle East.........

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The civil war in Syria is becoming a religious war which splits the Muslim world between Sunnis and Shiites, notes Arab affairs expert Dalit Halevi.

The rebels belong to Sunni Islam while the regime is Alawite, a branch of Shiism supported by Iran and assisted by fighters from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, units from the Shiite group Hizbullah and Shiite volunteers from Iraq.

Rebels in Deir ez-Zor proclaimed war against the Shiites following their defeat in the battle in Al-Qusayr. In a video posted to YouTube they announce the launch of a sectarian war, while chanting "Death to the Shia" and recalling the 637 The Battle of al-Qadisiyyah, when Muslim Arab forces defeated the Persians.

Senior clerics in Saudi Arabia have backed the position of Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, who attacked Iran and Hizbullah over their support of Assad and warned of the Shiites’ attempts to take over Sunni states. Fatwas issued in Saudi Arabia stipulate that all Muslims are religiously obligated to take part in the jihad in Syria, whether by givingmoney to jihad or by physically participating in the fighting against the Assad regime.

The Syrian army, with the help of Hizbullah, has managed to retake the city of Al-Qusayr which borders Lebanon, but this military success is not necessarily indicative of the regime's ability to reverse the situation, says Halevi. Many other areas continue to be under control of the rebel forces, who have the support of the population....


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The War Price:

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind."

John F. Kennedy

To stop the tragedy..
The war must stop...
To stop the Killing and destruction..
The war must stop...
إلى متى الإنتظار ياأبناء بلدي
أطفال سورية لن يسامحونا على ماتسببنا لهم فيه من تشرد وضياع و لكن سيغفرون لنا أخطائنا إذا استطعنا أن نعود الى الحكمة والعقل في حل أمورنا

Copyright Syria Tomorrow. 

A Non Profit Organizationto Promote Syrian Peace

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